If you are a writer, yes. In a very real sense what you do when you create a fictional world is neither more nor less than being a god of…Continue readingAre you a god?
Invented words for emotions you never realised anyone else felt Daniel Dalton of BuzzFeed writes about perfect words invented by graphic designer John Koenig that you can find in his…Continue readingYou feel WHAT?
Narnia – a scene from the Disney film: Photo by c.W. Disney / Rex Features. Have you ever wanted to escape to a magical world of fun and mayhem? Lindsay…Continue readingMagical worlds
QUIZ — The Guardian asks what you know about Villains in literature, from Hannibal Lecter to Nurse Ratched. Take the quiz ~~~~~ Chris Hadfield’s 45,000 photos from space Well, not…Continue readingCan you Name that Villain?
Many years ago, I went to visit the grave of J. R. R. Tolkien in Wolvercote Cemetery in Oxford. It took some finding in amogst the sea of…Continue readingFamous Last Words
Oh, the stories waiting to be told… 28 magical paths begging to be walked, keeping in mind a quote from J. R. R. Tolkien: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going…Continue readingMagical paths
Someone just found my website, apparently by using the search string “Secrets of Jin Shei Film”. Aw. Bless you for your faith and confidence, whoever you are. And oh,…Continue readingFilming Jin-shei
The Shire was an idealized version of the rural England of Tolkien’s childhood, Recipewise explains, and gives us some remarkable recipes for Gandalf’s tea party. An Unexpected Party – Image…Continue readingFood In The Hobbit
My first tweet wasn’t exactly profound. “Hello world” was all it said. Flavorwire looked up “The First Tweets of 25 Writers We Love” and none of them were actually profound,…Continue readingWhat did your first tweet say?
Maria Popova has assembled famous definitions of love from 400 years of literary history in a Brain Pickings article just in time for Valentine’s Day. They range from the profoundly…Continue readingDo you know what love is?