Hatred is one of the purer emotions and it can distill into a poison. Yet the words “I hate” are oddly bereft of a stinger. It is almost a childish…Continue readingWhat do they hate?
Crowd-funded stories of war and exile to help refugees The time has come for the stories from the ragged edges of silence to be given a voice, stories that will…Continue readingSun of a foreign sky
Telling the stories of war and exile The time has come for the stories from the edge of darkness, from the ragged edges of silence, to be given a voice,…Continue readingChildren of a Different Sky
In The Guardian, celebrated correspondent Janine di Giovanni has selected The top 10 books of war reportage One of his choices (whole list and link below) includes ‘Hiroshima’, John Hersey’s…Continue readingThe horror that never ends
One of the formative reading experiences of any child of my background and culture is the book “The Bridge on the Drina” by Ivo Andric. It was a seminal…Continue readingBridge to history
There is a new world out there, a vivid and complex world full of Were creatures and normal humans living in an uneasy alliance. It’s where my new series, The…Continue readingThe Random World
Many years ago, I went to visit the grave of J. R. R. Tolkien in Wolvercote Cemetery in Oxford. It took some finding in amogst the sea of…Continue readingFamous Last Words