’tis the season. Or was. It’s 365 days to the next one, now. Someone mentioned this book somewhere and dear lord this christmas was a tough one for me anyway.…Continue readingChristmas Stories… kind of…
A friend took me out to a place called Camano Island last week – I’d seen signs for that turnoff on the highway for years and kept on meaning to…Continue readingI pickled a key…
Crowd-funded stories of war and exile to help refugees The time has come for the stories from the ragged edges of silence to be given a voice, stories that will…Continue readingSun of a foreign sky
Telling the stories of war and exile The time has come for the stories from the edge of darkness, from the ragged edges of silence, to be given a voice,…Continue readingChildren of a Different Sky
What is it that makes certain stories last? That’s a question that Neil Gaiman explores in a lecture two and a half years in the making, part of the Long…Continue readingStories are alive
Oh, the stories waiting to be told… 28 magical paths begging to be walked, keeping in mind a quote from J. R. R. Tolkien: “It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going…Continue readingMagical paths
I was born on the same continent that gave us the stories, legends, myths, and fairy tales that underlie things like Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Wheel of Time, and,…Continue readingWhence fantasy?