Let me tell you about my encounter with Coyote. When I set out to write the Worldweavers books, I wanted to write a story which was an American YA fantasy,…Continue readingTangling with the Trickster
…of Coyote, the Trickster Coyote the Trickster is one of the most layered and amazing characters ever to inhabit the lore and mythology and folk tales and legends of humankind.…Continue readingThe 10 Commandments…
In Dawn of Magic, the last book in my Worldweaver series, Coyote comes into full flower. (I’m working the final proofs now.) When I set out to write the Worldweavers…Continue readingEncounter with Coyote
“DEARLY BELOVED, SAVE HUMANITY!” says the subject line on one the messages in my spam box. I am tempted to send an autoreply. “You have reached the Messiah Hotline. We…Continue readingSpamology et al
The third book in my Worldweavers series, ‘Cybermage‘, is out and the cover is awesome. The series, originally published by HarperCollins, is being reissued by Sky Warrior Books. The original…Continue readingThea and Tesla save the world
Let me tell you about my encounter with Coyote… So begins my guest blog today at the Mythical Monday spot at Melissa Hayden’s website My World…in words and pages: the-kunadalin…Continue readingEncounters with The Trickster
Brooklyn oil painter Tatyana Fazlalizadeh got fed up with dudes invading her space. So she started telling them so—very publicly. Photo courtesy of Tatyana Fazlalizadeh. For many women, just walking…Continue readingHer war against harassers