This is to notify all who wander past here on a (semi)regular basis that this site is going to be blog-only for the next week or so while I try to reconstruct things, repurpose them, and try to come up with a brand new feature – A SHOP! – where you will be able to obtain signed and personalised copies of books directly from me.
In the meantime, there is going to be a dearth of STUFF here – just for a little while – until the furniture, so to speak, gets rearranged. Bear with me.
As you might know this site was my husband’s self-assumed task and vocation, he spent many hours struggling with it, working on it, swearing at it, trying to figure out what he did wrong when he blundered into something because he didn’t know how to accomplish it – a friend who is helping me with “Reconstruction” said that half the stuff he did manage to make happen should not even have been POSSIBLE. My husband, the miracle worker. Who loved me enough to put up with all of this for my sake. Who also left a snarl in his wake because half the time he was doing proprietary tweaks in the background and I have NO idea what he did, or how. Let me try and sort it out.
This site Under Construction. I will unveil the new one mid-May (it is hoped) and although this might mean that the site’s original creator and up-keeper is somehow being erased by this… this is still HIS site, in loving memory, for the remainder of its existence.
Bear with me. I’m trying to get it right.

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