Washington Square North, Nov. 2, 2013. At Slate, David Rosenberg offers proof that New Yorkers will read absolutely anywhere by examing the work of photographer Lawrence Schwartzwald, who started a…Continue readingThey read WHERE?
At MindBodyGreen, Lisa Westmoreland has offered us 10 Ways To Declutter Your Home (And Life!) She lost me at #4 where says that if you don’t read a book right…Continue readingDon’t touch my books!
Lovereading.co.uk has created an infographic for language enthusiasts called “15 Words You Never Knew Came from Literature.” Some of the books featured in this image include The Hobbit, Catch-22, and…Continue reading15 Words
Narnia – a scene from the Disney film: Photo by c.W. Disney / Rex Features. Have you ever wanted to escape to a magical world of fun and mayhem? Lindsay…Continue readingMagical worlds
There is a new world out there, a vivid and complex world full of Were creatures and normal humans living in an uneasy alliance. It’s where my new series, The…Continue readingThe Random World
7 Essential Books Starring Dysfunctional Families “Dysfunctional families are no laughing matter”, Off the Shelf reports, “more so when you’re a part of one. Who can stand your mother’s fiery…Continue readingLove the Madness
“Things sometimes get transcendent bad, purple prose can transform into ultra violet.” That was one of the more fascinating observations during a well attended Saturday morning panel on Description in…Continue readingWhen purple prose goes bad
The genetic basis of the Were Creatures There is science fiction and there is fantasy, and never the twain shall meet. At least, that is the silly notion adopted by…Continue readingWerewolf DNA
I wanted them real. I wanted the reader to start glancing nervously at the person sitting next to them on the bus or the subway and starting to wonder whether…Continue readingIs she a Werewolf? or a Wereboy?
The 12 Weirdest Reasons For Banning Science Fiction and Fantasy Books People are trying to keep great books out of libraries and schools every hour of every day, Diana Biller…Continue readingBan it because…!!!