“Worthless story of worthless people in worthless chatter.” “A century ago when my husband was a youngish man he spotted a book in the library called ‘The Experts Speak’, filled…Continue readingWhen the experts speak … nonsense
At bookwitty.com, Véesah Afifi offers: “Children…in their innocence can’t fathom the weight of some of the most important quotes they hear in bedtime stories,” Afifi writes. “However, we’re adults now,…Continue readingYour favorite quote?
Someone just found my website, apparently by using the search string “Secrets of Jin Shei Film”. Aw. Bless you for your faith and confidence, whoever you are. And oh,…Continue readingFilming Jin-shei
This was written to suggest a reading list for last summer, but it’s good any time. The original title of the piece was “95 Young Adult Books To Read Instead…Continue reading99 Young Adult Books To Read