If you are a writer, yes. In a very real sense what you do when you create a fictional world is neither more nor less than being a god of…Continue readingAre you a god?
Washington Square North, Nov. 2, 2013. At Slate, David Rosenberg offers proof that New Yorkers will read absolutely anywhere by examing the work of photographer Lawrence Schwartzwald, who started a…Continue readingThey read WHERE?
With two suns, Kepler-16b is a real-life version of Luke Skywalker’s home planet Tatooine in the Star Wars films. All photos: Nasa The US space agency has created a series…Continue readingNASA Travel Posters
Famous authors at work on ancient devices Tom Hanks loves typewriters, as he made clear when he co-developed an app that emulates the experience of writing with them. He’s been…Continue readingA typewriter?!?
With the newest Doctor Who in place, it seemed a good time to revisit a piece I did for SFNovelists.com about MY Doctors, including my favorite, David Tennant. I think…Continue readingIn the Whoverse
Libraries are seen as fortresses protecting us from ignorance. In Doctor Who there ia a planet-sized library, a whole world devoted to the storage of ideas and history, which seems…Continue readingOf what use is a library?