To The Moon artHubble image

Science Fiction in the 2nd and 21st Centuries

Lucian of Samosata’s ‘True Stories‘, written in the 2nd Century, might be the first science fiction novel, Tibi Puiu writes at ZME Science.
“The characters venture to distant realms including the moon, the sun, and strange planets and islands. The star protagonist is Lucian himself who happens to stumble upon aliens on the moon and finds himself in the midst of a war between the lunar and sun empires.”
“More fantasy than science fiction? I guess it’s best we leave it to art and literature historians to settle the matters. What’s certain is that this is a hilarious book.”
And you can download it from the Internet.
Read the whole article HERE
Hmmm, I think my light-hearted SF novel, ‘AbuctiCon,’ might have a bit in common with Lucian’s story.
At io9, Charlie Jane Anders also moves us a bit forward in time from the 2nd Century, talking about
Science Fiction in the Early 21st Century
Galaxy image from NASAImages via NASA/Hubble Space Telescope
While I was performing the disheartening task of writing the obituary for David G. Hartwell, the incredibly influential science fiction editor, I came across his introduction for an anthology called The Science Fiction Century,” Anders writes.
“Back in 1996, Hartwell wrote: ‘The twentieth century is the science fiction century. By the middle of the 1990s, we are living in the world of the future described by genre science fiction of the 1930s and ’40s and ’50s, a world technologies we love and fear, sciences so increasingly complex and steeped in specialized diction and jargon that fewer and fewer of us understand science on what used to be called a ‘high school level.'” Science fiction, Hartwell wrote, is a literature for people who want to understand how things work.’
Anders adds that she believes that science fiction’s best days are ahead of it, in large part because “if this genre has taught me anything, it’s optimism about human ingenuity—along with a belief that the unexpected is just around the corner.”
Read the whole story HERE
The Spanish Edition
I was approached the other day by Lecturalia, a Spanish website about Literature.
“To complete your profile on our site,” the email said, “could you send us a picture or allow us to use one of the photos you have on your website?”
I didn’t know I had a presence on a Spanish-language website, but it’s HERE     
Neat. They had  only a handful of  my books, ones that had already been translated, but I am delighted to be on it. Since I don’t speak Spanish, I am not 100% sure, but apparently the website is located in Spain. If so, I’m particularly delighted since my first major book ‘The Secrets of Jin-shei’, was a bestseller in Spain.
I sent them the photo, of course.
Quote of the Day
Ursula quote~~~~~
Alma Alexander     My books       Email me
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