Women Who Conquered the Comics World
As both a comics creator and historian, Trina Robbins is particularly interested in the unknown history of female cartoonists, Lisa Hix writes for Collectors Weekly. Robbins has published a Fantagraphics book called Pretty in Ink: North American Women Cartoonists, 1896-2013.
The subject is particularly relevant right now, given that new comic-book-based movies are hitting the big screen every few months, yet not a single one has revolved around a female hero. But Marvel has taken bold steps by making a Pakistani American teen the new Ms. Marvel, in a comic-book series written by a woman, and turning Thor into a woman in its upcoming revamp of the series.

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10 Great Books Based on Other Great Books
Literature is a never-ending, overlapping, sometimes circular conversation — between writers, between readers, between books themselves, Emily Temple writes in Flavorwire.
There are some novels that are better if you have a little bit of background going in — and sometimes that background is nothing more or less than another great novel.
Here are a few books you should pair the way you would a fine wine with an excellent cheese — each enhancing the other and making for a very satisfying evening.

You should read: Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
Flaubert first read Don Quixote when he was 11 years old. He wrote a letter to a friend that he had decided to become a novelist: “I’ve already got some ideas for my first books. I’ll write about Cardenio, about Dorotea, and one about Ill-Advised Curiosity.” Of course, anyone who has read Cervantes knows just what little Gus is talking about. There are many parallels in the two books — one of the most interesting is Emma Bovary herself.“Emma embodies, in one person, the conflict between idealism and pragmatism that Cervantes divides between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.”
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35 Things To Do With All Those Books
Many of these ideas are utterly bizarre, but I do like this staircase library.

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12 Awesome Things at the Library, e.g.:
You can stream stuff for free. Using your library card, you can check out a service called Hoopla. Using Hoopla, you can stream movies and TV shows without spending a dime. It’s not as stable as Netflix or Hulu but if you can stand the bugs you can watch some pretty good stuff for free.
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Quote of the Day
“There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.” ~ Oscar Wilde
Alma Alexander
My books
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