A 5-star review of ‘Dawn of Magic’, the fourth and final book in my young adult series, Worldweavers, contains this delightful sentence: “There is probably some truth there to carry…Continue readingThe acceptance of moose
With two suns, Kepler-16b is a real-life version of Luke Skywalker’s home planet Tatooine in the Star Wars films. All photos: Nasa The US space agency has created a series…Continue readingNASA Travel Posters
Or just the best gift? The Bookbar, which bills itself as “A book shop for wine lovers, A wine bar for book lovers”, offers us The Top 15 Reasons why…Continue readingThe only gift?
11 things you should know about bookworms, Kim Quindlen warns at Thought Catalog e.g. 6. When we see your apartment, the first thing we will look for is your bookcase,…Continue readingDare you date a bookworm?
I’ll be at “The Author visits” all week, the first stop on a blog tour for Random, the first book in The Were Chronicles, my new YA series. There will…Continue readingMeet the Author
To celebrate Banned Books Week, Powell’s Books found a bunch, well 33, that THE MAN doesn’t want you to read. Fight the power! Read the books! Via static.parade.condenast.com And Tango…Continue readingBan Those Books!
Writing for the future Margaret Atwood has just been named as the first contributor to an astonishing new public artwork, The Future Library project, Alison Flood reports at The Guardian.…Continue readingIn 100 years…
If you could read one a day…well, it would be an interesting challenge anyhow. Daniel Dalton of BuzzFeed made the picks. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt: The beloved fable about…Continue readingCan you read a novel a day?
With the newest Doctor Who in place, it seemed a good time to revisit a piece I did for SFNovelists.com about MY Doctors, including my favorite, David Tennant. I think…Continue readingIn the Whoverse