They didn’t ask me, but Clickhole asked some other authors: What’s your most important advice for young writers? If I had been asked, I would have told beginners: If you’re…Continue readingGood advice?
Rivers have always been very important to humankind, I say in the intro to my anthology, River. They’ve been called gods. They’ve been blessed and cursed and venerated and used…Continue readingRIVER
Many years ago, I went to visit the grave of J. R. R. Tolkien in Wolvercote Cemetery in Oxford. It took some finding in amogst the sea of…Continue readingFamous Last Words
A Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Book Meme At SF Signal, John DeNardo wants to know what people think about the Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror books they have been…Continue readingDo you have an opinion?
What does a narcissistic flying reptile that loves the taste of crispy dwarves have in common with a beetle that shoots hot, caustic liquid from its butt? More than you…Continue readingHow do dragons breath fire?