It was my husband, whose own cultural heritage includes the Depression in the United States, who first told me the story of the hobo and his stone soup. As the…Continue readingStone soup and grave robbing
Fact, historical fiction, & fantasy, oh my! It might be because I grew up in a land where history is still lurking behind a sheer veil, always present and…Continue readingThe world I built
If you are a writer, yes. In a very real sense what you do when you create a fictional world is neither more nor less than being a god of…Continue readingAre you a god?
Alma’s Bookshelf: “The Secrets of Jin-shei” One of a series of essays on writing referencing my own books for examples — I spend half my life living in dreams, in…Continue readingALL fiction is fantasy
Travel by Book Several books and movies have sparked my wish to travel. In books, it was Pearl Buck’s stories of China, “Out of Africa” by Isak Dinesen, and Walter…Continue readingWhat inspires?
There is absolutely no way in hell you appreciate books as much as this third grader does. Nope. No way. Madison loves books. And she tells you exactly why in…Continue reading‘The world neeeeds books!’
I am primarily a fantasy writer. That is how I view myself and my novels. But literary critics often have trouble labeling me, putting my books into neat little boxes.…Continue readingBut what is it?
I’ll be at “The Author visits” all week, the first stop on a blog tour for Random, the first book in The Were Chronicles, my new YA series. There will…Continue readingMeet the Author
“I’m here to tell you that working with the power who is out to destroy you will never, ever end well,” Aaron John Curtis says. Mohawk by birth, he offers…Continue readingAmazon Manifest Destiny?