A 5-star review of ‘Dawn of Magic’, the fourth and final book in my young adult series, Worldweavers, contains this delightful sentence: “There is probably some truth there to carry…Continue readingThe acceptance of moose
One of the formative reading experiences of any child of my background and culture is the book “The Bridge on the Drina” by Ivo Andric. It was a seminal…Continue readingBridge to history
In Dawn of Magic, the last book in my Worldweaver series, Coyote comes into full flower. (I’m working the final proofs now.) When I set out to write the Worldweavers…Continue readingEncounter with Coyote
Lovereading.co.uk has created an infographic for language enthusiasts called “15 Words You Never Knew Came from Literature.” Some of the books featured in this image include The Hobbit, Catch-22, and…Continue reading15 Words
Nearly a century after the Hindenburg exploded in flames, ending the dirigible era, one company may have finally figured out how to build one suitable for the 21st century. Their…Continue readingA dragon takes to the air