I have coffee, then get up. (Coffee in bed was part of the marriage proposal.) Nothing is done without coffee. Concentrate. it’s the COFFEE. Hubby always gets breakfast. (yes. I…Continue readingDay of the Writer
The Forgotten Perks of Reading Fiction The Digital Age has heightened the habit of skimming everything we read, Soli Salgado writes at Utne. But, he suggests, we lose something invaluable…Continue readingWhy fiction?
With the newest Doctor Who in place, it seemed a good time to revisit a piece I did for SFNovelists.com about MY Doctors, including my favorite, David Tennant. I think…Continue readingIn the Whoverse
…or just a writer? Five signs you might be one or the other. by Jill Nagel Is your roommate a little skittish around you? Jill Nagel asks at Fresh Print…Continue readingAre you a serial killer?
“If you look through my boards you’ll learn more about me than you ever wanted to know,” the Pinterest profile of D CM says. If you look through her astonishing…Continue readingBook Hugger Extraordinaire
In The Chronicle Review, Corey Robin wrote: ‘Any idiot can survive a crisis,’ my wife said, ‘it’s the day-to-day living that wears you out.’ I looked at her, puzzled. ‘Chekhov,’…Continue readingWho Really Said That?