A year of reading an author named Alma A few days ago, I posted a monthly reading list of novels about transcending loss, discovering the past, glimpsing the future, or…Continue readingA Duchess of Fantasy 12-month Book List
One of my lush historical fantasies, ‘Empress’, is rooted in Byzantium – which is something tightly woven with the whole vexed “write what you know” question because I grew up as…Continue readingWho is allowed to tell humanity’s stories?
I was born on the same continent that gave us the legends, myths, and fairy tales that underlie stories like Lord of the Rings, King Arthur’s knights of the round…Continue readingMapping New Worlds of Fantasy
Empress – The rest of the story “However it occurred…[their meeting] appears to have been a love-at-first-sight thunderbolt. It is worth remembering that among the tons of invective poured over…Continue readingGreatest Love Story Ever Told
If you are writing a novel about historical events, how do you talk about it? Is it: Historical Fantasy? Alternative History? Fictionalisation? Reinvention? When it comes to this particular literary…Continue readingWhat the hell do you call it?