It is a a writerly thing. Some of us have dogs, to be sure, but the classic writerish badge of belonging to the scribe tribe is…a cat. In some ways…Continue readingOde to the literary cat
In one of the most polarizing (series of) books I know, books which you either despise or passionately defend against all blasphemers, there is a character known as… Thomas Covenant.…Continue readingMust he be likeable?
There is a new world out there, a vivid and complex world full of Were creatures and normal humans living in an uneasy alliance. It’s where my new series, The…Continue readingThe Random World
I wanted them real. I wanted the reader to start glancing nervously at the person sitting next to them on the bus or the subway and starting to wonder whether…Continue readingIs she a Werewolf? or a Wereboy?
The 12 Weirdest Reasons For Banning Science Fiction and Fantasy Books People are trying to keep great books out of libraries and schools every hour of every day, Diana Biller…Continue readingBan it because…!!!