A friend recently and relatively artlessly started talking to me about this OTHER firend that she has – he’s in his early seventies, he’s “also” widowed (twice, as it…Continue readingRe-pair…
Look, I name EVERYTHING. OK?I have nicknames for gadgets in the house, all the time. I’m in line with the “Naming of Cats” thing from T S Elliot – everything…Continue readingThe naming of cars
So, I just has a birthday. A big on the big six-oh. It may or may not have been an official gateway to Cronehood but I chose to call it…Continue readingThe Croning
You can have many kinds of grief. You can grieve the loss of a job, a dream, even things (accidentally dropping and smashing a favourite mug will give you a…Continue readingThe Nature of Grief
To telescope a harrowing couple of months into a couple of sentences,my mom was on hospice for kidney disease (and she kept ON being on hospice, declining slower and slower,…Continue readingThe Winnowing
So, my mom. Widowed almost ten years ago, with my dad having been the outside-facing part of that marriage – my mother is almost a proverbial hermit when it comes…Continue readingAdulting gets real
It would seem that it is necessary for a “Career author” as it were to put in my 2 cents’ worth about the intersection of AI and the creative endeavour,…Continue readingAI, AI, oh!
I found something on FB the other day and reposted it for responses on my own wall – Couple of reasons why I tthrew that out. February is a cruel…Continue readingIdentity
A long time ago now, I wrote a novel – about a sisterhood. The concept of the “jin shei” bond, a sisterhood of the heart, a “Chosen” family as opposed…Continue readingFriendship passing