… so I seem to have accidentally written a book… about cats. About the cats in my life.

I launched a quick Kickstarter campaign for it – and the goal amount I am asking for is enough to cover (most of) the cost of the catio I built for my current crew. I mean, other people get their Kickstarters funded at 200-plus percent, to the tune of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars – I’m not asking for nearly that much. If you like my work – if you like cats – both, or either – please consider pledging to the Kickstarter – it’s here.

(or consider joining my Patreon – for as little as $1 or $2 a month – that helps keep the cats in kibble and treats…)

Here’s the current feline complement, in the aforementioned catio.

They love that place. Their stories are in the little cat book you are potentially pledging to support. Please consider contributing.