Books you should NOT read in your 20s

Flavorwire offers a recommended books list with a twist.
“The Internet (this site not the least bit exempt) is fond of telling you which books you should read. Particularly, it seems, when you’re in your 20s. But now that you have enough of those lists to last you a lifetime, which books should you make sure to steer clear from in this most transitional and tender of decades? Well, here are a few to consider. Disclaimer: all of these (okay, most of these) are good books. They’re books you should read. Just not in your 20s.”
Example: The Painted Bird, Jerzy Kosinski — “Look, your 20s are disturbing enough. No need to push it.”
15 Books You Should Definitely Not Read in Your 20s
When a librarian bans a book
Banned Books Week is a useful but usually timid affair. Libraries and bookstores put up displays of banned books from the past. There is mild interest for a day or two, and then it’s all forgotten for another year.
Librarian Scott DiMarco took a different approach. He put a notice on his Facebook wall that he had banned a book by a campus figure.
“The angry reaction from students, faculty, alumni, and other ‘interested parties,’ was immediate. A local newspaper reporter contacted Miller within 20 minutes of the posting. A Facebook protest page was created within a day and people from around the country were voicing their angry thoughts…”
When a librarian bans a book
Tip the Author
Yup. Do this thing. If you’re willing to leave a couple of bucks for the person who brings you a coffee in a diner, can you leave at least a review for an author whose work you’ve liked?
“In my other business, I frequently work for tips, or at least partly for tips. So I know that feeling of someone slipping a larger bill than anticipated in my hand and telling me ‘you did a great job, thank you!’ So how, you might ask, can you tip an author? … you can leave a review of their story.”
Tip the Author
The Scale of the Universe 2
Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn about everything in between.
Fabulous stuff
Sometimes the sex talk goes horribly wrong…
I’ve never had kids, so I have been spared this, although sometimes the characters in my novels do something similar to me.
“Let me start out by saying that as a marriage and family therapist, I highly encourage parents to have an open dialogue about sex and sexuality. My general philosophy (so as to not let this happen) is to let a child ask questions, and let them hear about important topics from you as opposed to their peers. Then, respond naturally without shame or embarrassment because this is a natural process and a natural conversation.
Apparently God likes jokes, because he gave me a child who pushes against that philosophy. Hard.”
When the sex talk goes wrong
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