It was traditional, particularly before the invention of the printing press and books were all hand written manuscripts, to letter a curse into the book to prevent theft, Book Porn…Continue readingDare you steal this book?
Most painters use a brush or palette knife. However, BuzzFeed tells us, artist Iris Scott has mastered the art of finger-painting. Just like a piano player does not play a…Continue readingFinger painting genius
Someone just found my website, apparently by using the search string “Secrets of Jin Shei Film”. Aw. Bless you for your faith and confidence, whoever you are. And oh,…Continue readingFilming Jin-shei
Can you guess these classic books by their one-line spoilers? Alanna Okun asks at BuzzFeed. She gets hit by a train He never shows up The dogs die She was…Continue readingSpoiler alert!
…Or, Why Tim Worstall Hates Shopping At Amazon. It’s an intensely irritating way to buy a book, he writes in Forbes. Cheap, yes, convenient, most assuredly, but intensely irritating. For…Continue readingThe Absence Of Serendipity…