The New Jersey bookstore Inkwood has a list of reading resolutions for 2017. Here’s my own handful of resolutions – your mission, should you choose to accept it. 1) If…Continue readingRead it! Now!
Few benefits of the e-reader are as attractive as the privacy it affords, Calum Marsh writes at The Guardian, so after the launch of the Kindle, erotic romance really took…Continue readingSexy ereaders
At Strange Horizons, Kari Sperring writes about Katherine Kurtz. Matrilines: The Woman Who Made Fantasy “Kurtz’s debut novel, Deryni Rising, came out from Ballantine Books in 1970,” Sperring writes, “…and…Continue readingThe womanless cannon
The cover for “Fantasy Superpack #1” is out and I’m beyond giddy at my story being sandwiched between Frederik Pohl and Philip K Dick. Another writer friend, Brenda Clough, noted…Continue readingBetween the sheets