There was a discussion on Facebook about the merits and the level of intensity of care required for various lengths of hair. The consensus was that long hair really REALLY…Continue readingThe Gift of the Spiders
One of my stories, ‘Color’, has found its way into the nifty new anthology ‘RE-Enchant‘. Just out, RE-Enchant is edited by Vonnie Winslow Crist and Kelly A. Harmon. I appear…Continue readingIt’s re-enchanting
11 things you should know about bookworms, Kim Quindlen warns at Thought Catalog e.g. 6. When we see your apartment, the first thing we will look for is your bookcase,…Continue readingDare you date a bookworm?
The other day we tripped over a movie on TV – “Snow White: A Tale of Terror”, vintage 1997. I’m always one for a good re-telling of a good old…Continue readingUnhappily ever after…