once wrote that they love epic books with swathes of characters creating a wonderfully complex plot, but asked rather plaintively: “Sometimes is it all too much?” They produced a…Continue readingToo many characters?
Children’s Book Week – June 12-16 When books were just books When I was growing up, there was no such thing as “young adult” as a marketing niche. In my…Continue readingJust what is YA?
How Thea Winthrop became the world’s greatest wizard Back in 2002, back when Harry Potter WAS the YA genre – (Number One, and then twenty empty spaces behind it before the…Continue readingGirls can. Girls SHOULD
From Lovereading infographic The Lovereading site explains that they love epic books with swathes of characters creating a wonderfully complex plot, but ask rather plaintively: “Sometimes is it all too…Continue readingToo many characters?