When I first met my husband, I told him I wasn’t a feminist (not as such). He said I was wrong, and later added that if it had been true,…Continue readingHell yes, sisters
Photo illustration by Juliana Jiménez Jaramillo Is an All-Female Mission to Mars the best way to go? Medical studies at the start of the space race showed that women have…Continue readingWomen on Mars?
Well, my five candidates would be: Sulamith Wolfing, Hedgehog Studios 1) The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Andersen) – the ORIGINAL version, thank you – the tragic one, no Caribbean singing…Continue readingWhich fairytales are best?
The following story by Linda Grant about culling her library in a move, fills me with superstitious fear. I go to my own shelves and gaze upon them, trail possessive…Continue reading‘I have killed my books’
The Last 13 Feminist Bookstores in the U.S. and Canada In the mid-1990s, there were approximately 120 feminist bookstores in the U.S. and several in Canada, Anjali Enjeti reports at…Continue readingOnly 13 left?