So many things swirling right now. That tightfaced idiot of a Susan Collins who voted in that monster Kavanaugh because he and Trump had “learned their lessons” and Roe…Continue readingWelcome to Gilead
They were doing something “in memory of”, at the Hospice House where Deck died. If you went there as a drive-through kind of event they’d give you a little potted…Continue readingSo, today. Flowers.
When we moved to Washington state in February 2003, it was with an ornery old cat in tow, Domino, of indeterminate age and very much special needs, whom I…Continue readingA tale of two kitties
My first encounter with Guillermo del Toro was a tale of dark enchantment that was “Pan’s Labyrinth” – I saw that in the cinema, completely “cold”, without any pre-known ideas…Continue readingNightmare Alley
There is definitely a school of thought among writers along the lines of “ban my book, PLEASE!” because of the focus of interest that banning a work of literature –…Continue readingClimbing on the “banned”wagon…
If I may front-load with a metaphor, life is sort of like a train journey. It’s a funny little train, if you like, and your “car” is often just attached…Continue readingUselessness
Some time ago I became aware of a movie called “The Last Duel”. I saw the trailer. It looked intriguing. It also had Adam Driver doing his usual villainous brooding…Continue readingGod’s gory justice
I don’t really read mysteries – that was Deck’s thing, not mine. He earnestly tried to get me into it for a while – he had a complete collection of…Continue readingThe January read…
… it was from a conversation with a character who is yet to make an appearance in any story. An audition, if you like. A character interview. She had quite…Continue readingWhen I woke up…